5 Signs You're Ready to Go Get a Massage

A kink in your neck. A twinge in your hip. Then there's that ongoing stress headache that seems to be lingering since the spring of 2020.

 If the word "massage" keeps flashing through your mind, it makes total sense. While you may have put self-care on the back burner in the face of a worldwide pandemic, things are returning to normal. It's natural for you to entertain the idea of taking care of YOU again.



But are you ready? Check out these five signs that it's time for you to go out and get that massage:


1.) You're Stressed Out

Who could blame you?! To say the past year was tumultuous is an understatement. While stress is unavoidable, allowing it to rage unchecked is a huge no-no. Unmanaged, it can lead to headaches, insomnia, heart issues, and a depleted immune system.

 Massage is not only a proven method to relieve and manage stress. It is also an all-natural solution.


2.) You're OVER IT!

Hey, no judgment zone here! Whether you used to enjoy regular massages or just the occasional rub down, going without for the past year put many people's patience to the test.

Quit holding out on yourself and make the appointment. It's the perfect way to ease back into a sense of normalcy, and you can take comfort in knowing that Brittany with Sacred Space Therapy is fully vaccinated.


3.) You're a Massage First-Timer

The only thing worse than going a year between massages is having never experienced one at all.

 Selfcareday.com points out that "taking the time to care for yourself goes a long way towards improving your mental health." Not to mention that your aching muscles will thank you later.


4.) Are You Active or Inactive?

No, this isn't a trick question. Many people believe only highly mobile athletes will benefit from a good massage.

Others think massages are just for those who are mostly sedentary and sit at a desk all day.

Both ideas are myths! Whether you run 10 miles a day or your only cardio is walking to the mailbox, everyone deserves to experience the magic hands of a skilled massage therapist.


5.) You Miss Having Options

The pandemic was a lot of things, but "flexible" was not one of them. Particularly when it came to self-care, you were pretty much stuck with what you could pull off under your own roof.

Maybe after one too many messed-up pedicures or that botched at-home haircut attempt, you're over it and ready to take your pampering back into the world.

Or perhaps you found your stride at home and love doing self-care surrounded by your own sights, sounds and smells.

No matter your preference, a massage is the perfect option for you. Lay back and relax in the comfort of your home, office, or hotel. Sacred Space Therapy is happy to come right to you.

If you're done with the "let's stay in" vibes, head to our office in Leesburg. Appointments are available as of July 8th. 

Whichever option you prefer, there is limited space available. So book your session now!